Annual General Meeting Minutes Sept. 29, 2017

Lake Forest Property Owners Association

Annual General Meeting

September 29, 2017

Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6:36 PM
Location: Hayden Public Library
Hayden, ID

Board Members President:
President Tim Scott
Vice President Larry Barnes
Treasurer Karen Howell
Secretary Bill Caisley
Board Member:
Chad McElvany
Ben Palo
Board Member: Vacant

President Tim Scott welcomed the Association membership in attendance and thanked them for their participation.  President Scott then introduced the Board Members and stated their functions on the Board.

Record Members Present:          Members representing 15 properties
Record Proxies:                                Proxies were delivered and verified for 30 properties*
Establish Quorum (26 needed): Between property owners present and proxies, 44 properties were represented and quorum was verified.
*Attendance roster and proxies are on file with the President.

Minutes of AGM held September 29, 2016 were reviewed and approved
Treasurer’s Report: Karen Howell (Treasurer) presented the current financial status of the Association

Checking account: $14,585.21
Savings account:    $21,383.66
Capital Fund:               $785.00

2018 Budget: Karen went on to present the proposed budget for 2018.
Estimated expenses for 2017 were $19,787.65 and the proposed budget was $30489.25

Copies were distributed to all members present and after discussion and review it was approved

Capital Fund Projects: Tim Scott (President) outlined two approved projects to be completed this fall, $1,235 for the removal and replacement of two trees by “Cougar Gulch” and $1470 for a canopy lift on all perimeter trees by “Roots Up”

He went to explain that the board planned to use the capital fund in 2018 on fence repairs

  • Election Proceeding: (3) Open Positions consisting of:

(2) 3-year term positions and (1) 2-year term position

The floor was opened for nominations and an appeal for anyone with “QUICK BOOKS” was made since Karen our current Treasurer has to resign for family reasons. Karen was thanked for her service.
Two nominations were received, Pat Freeman and Ed Cliff. Unfortunately neither possessed that skill and Tim Scott, who was due to resign, volunteered to fill the two year term.
There being no further nominations the three individuals were duly elected.
There was no further discussion from the floor so President Scott thanked all for coming.

Closed AGM Meeting at 7:02PM
Move to Executive Session for Election of Officers:

Call to Order at 7:08 PM

Election of Officers:

President:       Larry Barnes
Vice President:  Ed Cliff
Secretary:       Bill Caisley
Treasurer:       Tim Scott

Schedule next regular board meeting:  Group selected Monday November 6th, 2017.  Meeting will be held at Tim Scott’s home at 1230 W. Bentwood Loop, beginning at 6:30 PM.

Closed Meeting: 7:21 PM
Bill Caisley

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