September 26, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Lake Forest Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting
September 26th, 2017


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6.45pm

Location: 1230 W. Bentwood Loop, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Board Members Present:
President Tim Scott, Vice President Larry Barnes, Treasurer Karen Howell,
Secretary Bill Caisley

Apologies received from Chad McElvaney and Ben Palo

Scheduled Items:

Discuss September 29th AGM
Proposed Budget

Karen presented a provisional budget based upon actual expenses Jan 1st thru Sept 30th this year plus actual Oct, Nov, Dec 2016. A discussion of likely expenditure ensued, including two Capital projects
1) A “Canopy Lift”, in which lower branches are removed and shape of trees improved, for all 74 perimeter trees. “Roots Up” quoted $1,470 and approval was given.
2) 2 trees on Hanley need replacing. “Cougar Gulch” quoted $1235 and that was agreed
This information would be included in the final budget to be presented at the meeting.

Old Business
New legislation covering HOA’s has slowed down our efforts to place a lien on 6777 N Windy Pines (Drew Pittman). Tim to use expertise of “VIAFOTHERINGHAM LLP” in proceeding;

New Business
Comment from Dan Brownell (1211 BWL) regarding fireworks being discharged illegally on the subdivision was noted for inclusion in Spring/Summer newsletter.

Following acquisition of new laptop and printer for the Treasurer it was agreed to donate the laptop after scrubbing the hard drive. Printer to be kept as spare

The meeting was closed at 7.45pm

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