March 25, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2016
Hayden Public Library, Government Way, Hayden


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6:28 PM

Board Members Present:
Tim Scott
Leon Strigotte
Mike Westray
Steve Thatcher
Chad McElvany
Barry Dexter

Guests Present:  None

Approval of Minutes from January 12, 2016 Board meeting. Motion to approve: Leon Strigotte,  2nd: Steve Thatcher. Motion was approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Leon Strigotte. Checking Account Balance $19,985.72; Money Market Balance $20,360.15. Thirteen (13) dues invoices remain outstanding.  These outstanding invoices, with current late fees, total $3,789.94. Outstanding dues amount for an individual stand currently at $247.78, including late charges. There are no outstanding bills.

Capital Account Status: Leon stated that a capital account had not yet been set up as he was waiting for the majority of dues to be paid. He intends to set up this account soon.

PCI Service Fees: Discussion ensued related to the Association’s need to protect customers using a credit card to pay their dues.  Our vendor can provide this protection for $9/month. After conversation to fully vet the subject, Barry Dexter made a motion to exercise the monthly option to obtain this protection. The motion was seconded by Mike Westray and the action was passed unanimously by the Board.

Scheduled Items:

Spring Projects:

  1. Trees: Barry Dexter/Chad McElvany – Chad and Barry presented bids to the Board. There are two conforming bids: CDF Landscape Professionals at total $6,224 or $520/tree and Cougar Gulch Lawn Care at total $4,250 or $354.16/tree. These are turnkey bids for the replanting of up to 12 missing trees in the perimeter swale. River Birch or Paper Birch will be planted and there will be a one year warranty on each tree. Motion was made and approved to grant conditional approval to proceed; using Cougar Gulch Lawn Care provided they can fully perform by supplying the Association with proof of insurance, listing LFPOA as additional insured. If this cannot be provided, we would move to the second conforming bid at the higher cost.  Chad and Barry will continue to manage this project to completion and will supply Leon with the vendor invoice upon successful completion of the project.
  2. Mail Boxes: Tim reviewed a bid from Josh Wren (509) 847-3545 to complete the cleaning of our nine mailboxes, priming and painting two of the bases for $595.00.  There was subsequent discussion over insurance and Tim indicated that Josh likely did not have the necessary insurance to satisfy our requirements. The item was tabled.  Tim did follow up the following day, indicating that he had contacted Mr. Wren.  Mr. Wren stated that he would be able to work under another Firm’s insurance to provide us needed insurance coverage. This will either be handled at the next meeting or a Board vote to proceed will be handled via email.

Member Enforcement/Communication:

  1. Valentine, 1212 W. Bentwood Loop: The Board voted to move forward with having this homeowner formally served for non-payment of dues. Cost will be $150 to have the official letter prepared and a $50-$75 fee for processing. Once the homeowner is served, if no response is received within two months, we will proceed with formal filing of a lien for non-payment (habitual) of HOA dues. The lien fee is $200 and can be renewed for a subsequent year. The motion was approved unanimously by the Board
  2. Grabowski, 1273 W. Sumac Ave: Tamarack (Gary) hopes to thatch and seed by the end of March and will contact Tim Scott when the work is being done.

Fence Design: The fencing vendor is now called Perimeter Security Group and this Firm will make a site visit on Monday, March 28th to view the project and prepare a bid for staged replacement of the fence over time. The fence is 15+ years old and we have planned this as a Capital Project. Leon requested that someone from the Board take the lead on this project, Steve Thatcher agreed to do this. We will be looking for at least three bids for this work.

Website and Facebook Development: Leon has been working on a Facebook link for the Association that appears much easier to use than a formal Website. This allows us to accept only those who are members and makes the communication process easier. Leon recommends we adopt this as our official form of web communication while keeping the current website in place for at least a year. A motion was made to approve by Steve Thatcher and seconded by Chad McElvany. Motion was unanimously approved.

Association Documents Reviewed: by VIALFOTHERINGHAM LAWYERS, Boise, Idaho. Will examine all Association documents as well as current insurance policy and offer suggested changes to better comply with Idaho Code. Total cost of review is $500. Brindee Collins is the contact person, (208) 629-4567, [email protected]

Satellite Dishes and Radio antennas FCC Overview. Steve Thatcher provided an opinion based on his review of the FCC rules related to these communication features. Basically there are only two reasons an entity such as LFPOA can regulate placement of these devices:

  1. If the current placement is a safety hazard, we can require that it be placed differently.
  2. If the placement impacts a historic site you can regulate placement.

FCC Rules are very descript on this subject and there intentionally very few loopholes. This is a highly protected activity and the burden of proof lies with the regulating entity (city, HOA, etc.) not with the homeowner.

Old/New Business:

  1. Chad brought up a landowner is his neighborhood with a vehicle that does not ever move. It is parked in the driveway with a flat tire. We need to determine if the vehicle has current license to determine next steps. Chad will investigate.
  2. Related to the above topic, Tim made mention of his encounters with several homeowners when approached on a violation directly. His experiences were not at all favorable and he will be reverting back to sending letters for violations. It is extremely unfortunate that some members verbally attack the Board that is generously giving of their personal time to keep this neighborhood looking nice, and working to keep these homeowner’s property values up.
  3. Leon brought up the duties of the Treasurer and suggested/recommended that someone else on the Board shadow him to make sure we have backup for this important position. Both Tim Scott and Steve Thatcher agreed to do this. Leon will work with these gentlemen to share his knowledge of the software and process.

Close Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM.

Barry Dexter

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