October 22, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2015
Hayden Public Library, Government Way, Hayden


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6: 31 PM

Tim Scott
Leon Strigotte
Mike Westray
Chad McElvaney
Steve Thatcher
Barry Dexter

Present and approve Minutes from AGM and Executive session on September 23, 2015. Motion to approve: Leon Strigotte 2nd: Barry Dexter. Motion was approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Leon Strigotte. Checking Account Balance $3,503.75; Money Market Balance $20,152.12. Leon projects sufficient funds to make year-end without tapping the Money Market account.

The Intuit electronic payment system was discussed. Chad made a motion to accept the process for use and Steve seconded. Motion was approved.

Discussion about whether a single capital account or capital accounts for each capital project were necessary. It was decided that one account with individual sub-accounts would suffice. Leon will set this up.

Review and discuss 2015-2016 project projections. See attached Document.

  • Computer Hardware: Barry made a motion to research costs of purchasing two laptop computers, two printers and two external back-up drives for the Secretary and Code Enforcement positions. Steve seconded and the Motion was unanimously approved. Leon will research products and costs for further Board review. Expenditure will occur in early 2016.
  • Paint Mailboxes: Discussion had related to maintenance and painting of mailboxes (9). Different ideas were kicked around. It was decided that this will be a spring project and we will perform some research to determine potential contractors to perform and a bid will be put out in the spring of 2016. Leon will check into potential vendors.
  • Perimeter Tree Replacement: One bid has been secured. Chad and Barry will look into appropriate species to plant and work with local nurseries to determine if additional bids are warranted. This will be a spring 2016 project.
  • Fence Replacement Plan: It was decided that further research was necessary to determine the best process for beginning to replace the perimeter fence. We will work with a fencing contractor to determine costs and needs. We will likely begin with a highly visible area to show progress but also look at the greatest need first.

Other Items:

Tim asked the Board to review the Rules and Regulations and respond with recommendations for clarification or change.  He asked to revisit this in Feb/Mar.  Tim has highlighted areas of particular interest and included in the Board packet.

The website needs to be overhauled. It needs to be easier to upload documents.  Leon asked the Board to review the website and make comments/suggestions. Do we need a Members Only access process? Website can be found at www.lakecitycda.org

New Business:  No new business to discuss.

Old Business: No old business to discuss but Mike asked that someone look into the fence and watering along Wilbur to assure that this is an LFPOA responsibility.

Close Meeting: 7:27 PM

Barry Dexer

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