July 26, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Lake Forest Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting
July 26, 2017


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6.45pm

Location: 1230 W. Bentwood Loop, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Board Members Present:
President Tim Scott ,Vice President Larry Barnes, Treasurer Karen Howell,
Secretary Bill Caisley

Apologies received from Chad McElvaney and Ben Palo

Scheduled Items:

1) Minutes of meeting January 19th. 2017 were reviewed and approved.

2) Treasurer Report:

A) Checking: $19,543.09
B) Savings: $21,381.86
Karen reported that the accounts were reconciled as of June 30th and a summary
and detail provided.
C) Capital Fund Balance: As of 2017 collections. 128 Paid Members @ $30.00 = $3,840.00
D) Capital Fund used as of 7-26-17: Cougar Gulch 7-25-17 Tree Replacement $1,235.00
Balance to date Capital Fund” $2,605
E) State Farm Insurance Police Paid 5-8-17, $1,562.00
F) Annual Dues Collection: As of July 26, 2017
128 Paid 1 Owe
Total Outstanding with late fees: Drew Pittman 6777 NWP, $307.78.
A letter dated July 25th has been sent to Mr Pittman summarizing our attempts to collect the above fees and outlining a deadline of August 7th after which a lien would be placed on his property and the matter placed in collection. In such an event it was agreed to send details of the lien to Mr Pittman

3) Vacant Board Position: Dudley Tomasi, 1165 W Canfield is unable to hold position until October/November and cannot make meeting in spring/summer due to work schedule, and it was agreed to fill that position at Annual Meeting2017

4) Website Control
Larry Barnes is continuing to work with Lu Myser

5) Weed Control Outside Curb in Street:
Bill agreed to contact the city regarding the responsibility for weed removal at the margin between the backtop and kerbstones.

6) Spring projects:

A) Two new trees were planted on Pinegrove and root enhancer applied to both, in addition to eleven planted last year.
One original tree on Hanley is wrong type. It was agreed to use remainder of capital fund to replace that tree and replace two sprinkler controls.
B) LFPOA Fence repair was deferred to next spring.

7) R&R Enforcement:

A) Degregario 1201 & 1205 Bentwood Loop: Maintaining yard and landscaping.
Section 10.8 Fine Assessment. In the event that an owner violates the Declaration, the Bylaws or any properly adopted Rule or Regulation of the project on more then two (2) occasions following written notice of the violation then a fine may be assessed against the Owner for each future similar violation. Fine assessment must be approved by two-third (2l3) of the Board and shall be a reasonable amount to discourage future violations.
The board gave approval to proceed on the above basis.

8) Member Fence Maintenance: R & R 1.1 Exterior Appearance, 1.5 Fencing, CC & R 6.5,
1276 Sycamore, 6417 NWP, 6753 NWP, 7069 NWP, 7099 NWP, 1276 EWC, 1113 Canfield, 1271 BWL, 6417 NWP.
Photographs of the fence condition of the above properties were examined and it was agreed to send out letters requiring action

9) Dead Tree: 1242 Bentwood Loop, New owners. It was agreed to request replacement when the new owners have settled in.

10) Annual Meeting 2017: Two dates, 22nd or 29th September were suggested and board preferences requested. It was noted that deadline to notify homeowners was August 15th.

New/Old Business: It was agreed that a company called “Roots Up” be engaged to lift the canopy of the perimeter trees for safety and aesthetic reasons,

The meeting was closed at 7.42pm

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