January 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2016
Hayden Public Library, Government Way, Hayden


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6:30 PM

Board Members Present:
Tim Scott
Leon Strigotte
Mike Westray
Steve Thatcher
Barry Dexter
Chad McElvany was out of town on business.

Guests Present:
Wendy Bozley, 6501 N. Windy Pines
Daisie Canfield, 1122 W. Sycamore.

Present and approve Minutes from October 22, 2015 Meeting. Motion to approve: Steve Thatcher 2nd: Mike Westray. Motion was approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Leon Strigotte. Checking Account Balance $11,845.80; Money Market Balance $20,354.79. Three payments currently in process and 68 invoices outstanding, which is normal for this point in the payment process.  There are no outstanding bills, but we are anticipating a snow removal bill from our contractor.

Scheduled Items:

Spring Projects:

  1. Trees: Barry Dexter/Chad McElvany
    Chad and Barry met to discuss the project in December. It was recommend to the Board that Paper Birch or River Birch be used as replacement trees for those currently missing in the perimeter swales. Trees would have a caliper of approximately two inches and be in the 8’ to 12’ height range. It was also recommended that when trees are replaced they not be planted in the bottom of the swale but offset approximately one foot toward the street. This will help with drainage. Board expressed a need to properly prepare the soil for replanting which may mean working up the soil with an auger and possibly changing the watering system slightly to insure water is delivered to the roots.  There was also a recommendation that a subset of the missing trees be planted to the new standard this spring to allow a year to judge success prior to planting all missing trees.Board expressed agreement with the recommendations and asked Chad and Barry to proceed with preparing a bid which can be emailed to the other Board members in February for approval. The bid would seek a one year warranty on trees planted.
  2. Mail Boxes:
    Tim reviewed some of his investigations with paint products and process. He is recommending that a primer be used to prepare the bases for the final repainting. One primer product that shows promise is called XIM. Discussion was had related to first cleaning the bases thoroughly to remove mold and grime and then make a final determination on the number of bases needing repainting. Tim will continue to work on a final plan and estimated costs prior to summer for the Board to review and approve.

Purchase of Computer Equipment: Leon Strigotte.
Leon made a recommendation to purchase the new computer for the president along with an external hard drive. Two printers will also be purchased. The second computer for the Secretary position was put on hold until the vacant Secretary position can formally be filled.  Since this item had already been approved at the October meeting, Leon will move forward with acquisition.

Member Enforcement/Communication:
The following items were discussed in Executive Session.

  1. Valentine, 1212 W. Bentwood Loop: The Board moved to take this homeowner to small claims court and have the homeowner formally served by a delivery service. This is for non-payment (habitual) of HOA dues.
  2. Grabowski, 1273 W. Sumac Ave: The homeowner at this address alleges that the Association applied a sterilizer to the soil outside of their fence which leached back onto their lawn, killing a portion of the grass. Association research does not support this opinion, but in the interest of homeowner relations, the Board approved having the landscape contractor (Tamarack) do some remediation work to attempt to recover the area of dead lawn.  Cost estimate for this work in $75.
  3. Kain, 6417 N. Windy Pines: Tim expressed the need to wait until the snow clears and it is possible to get a better look at the violation, prior to taking further action. Board agreed with this approach.

R & R Change proposals:
Discussion was had on the Association Rules and Regulations and the need to revisit based on changing perceptions and definitions. Tim is seeking feedback on this item by late spring with the intent to properly prepare changes that can be discussed at the AGM with Association members present. Tim has suggested some changes to the document that he will email out for the other Board members to build on. These rules have been in place for over 15 years and it is appropriate to revisit.

Website Development:
Tim has converted all pertinent Association documents to both Word and .PDF format to include on the Association website. This will serve to make documents easily available to all property owners. Tim also showed examples of HOA websites that provided different aesthetics and features. He would like to land on a format soon. Tim and Leon will work on a prototype to present to the other Board members over the next several months. If you have input, please provide.

New Business:
Leon discussed a letter he had received from a disgruntled property owner. The letter was rather inflammatory and accusatory toward him and the LFPOA Board.  Leon confronted the property owner and wanted the others on the Board to know that this had occurred.

Old Business:
Mike asked if the back area along Wilbur had been reviewed and Tim confirmed that this area is our responsibility to maintain.

The guests to the meeting were thanked for their attendance and participation and there was some discussion around the vacant Board position. Some interest was expressed in assisting and follow-up will be in order.

Close Regular Meeting: 7:58 PM

Executive Session called to Order: 8:00 PM

Close Executive Session: 8:08 PM

Barry Dexer

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