July 28, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2016
1230 W. Bentwood Loop, Coeur d’Alene, ID


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6:28 PM

Board Members Present:
Tim Scott – President
Barry Dexter – Vice President
Leon Strigotte – Treasurer/Sectetary
Chad McElvany – Board Member
Michael Westray – Board Member
Steve Thatcher was out with the flu.

Guests:  no guests in attendance.

Present and Approve Minutes from March 25, 2016 Board Meeting.
Motion: Leon Strigotte   2nd:  Mike Westray – Approved: Yes

Treasurer’s Report: Significant discussion during the Treasurer’s Report.  Projected expenses through the end of the year are $7,500.  Higher expenses this year due to watering, maintenance of common areas and for water usage.  To date, $13,723.24 has been spent.  The capital account stands at $4,000 which is basically the carry-over fund balance from the previous year.  This will remain in the savings account earmarked for eventual perimeter fence replacement.  The additional 2016 dues assessment for capital was fully spent on the replacement of trees in the swales.  The projection for tree replacement was $500/tree and actual costs came in at $432/tree, including staking.  New trees are looking good.

Checking Account Balance: $7,570.11
Savings Account Balance:  $24,366.08
Capital Account Status: $4,000.00 (included in savings balance above).

Scheduled Items:


  1. Remove and replace tree corner Sumac and Pinegrove: There is an odd breed north of Sumac and two additional questionable trees along Pinegrove that are still alive but do not provide a consistent look along the perimeter. One is currently leaning heavily and may not survive. The leaner will be re-staked to try to save it and the other two will be revisited at another time, with since they are still living. No action other than the tree that is leaning.
  2. Trees being pushed over on Pinegrove: Discussed and we will keep an eye on this situation. The current tree that is damaged will be re-staked.

Mail Box Bid: Jmax Coatings: After significant discussion, a motion was made to move forward with the cleaning and repainting of mailboxes. Motion: Barry Dexter, 2nd: Chad McElvany, Approved: yes. Tim will contact the contractor to get insurance and contract and then have the work completed fairly quickly.

Member Enforcement/Communication: Tim discussed current issues and stated that generally, things are going okay. Trash cans (out of sight) continue to be a challenge with some homeowners and several are becoming rather belligerent. Rules state that cans need to be stored out of sight, period!  Portable basketball hoops are being placed in the streets in several locations. Tim checked with the city and they said it is generally not an enforcement issue but that they MUST be removed each night, and cannot block sidewalks or drainage systems. Will keep an eye on this. The off-color door on one residence was also discussed.  This will be an ongoing action as there seems to be no intent by the homeowner to change and fines will be considered.

Tim asked to form a Code Enforcement sub-committee to address infractions in the HOA. Chad McElvany and Mike Westray agreed to serve on this sub-committee.  Thanks guys!

AGM 2016: The AGM will be held on Friday, September 23rd at the Hayden Library beginning at 6:30. BOD member should be there by 6:00. Coffee and cookies will be provided to keep it simple.  A letter will go out to the Membership by August 23rd informing all of the meeting particulars, proposal to outsource Association Management, other items of interest and including Proxy Forms.

  1. Proxy Forms: Forms are ready and once approved by the Association President will be ready for inclusion in the letter referenced above.
  2. Quorum Worksheet: Samples of the worksheet have been prepared and once approved by the Association President will be available for use at the AGM.

HOA Management: Significant discussion ensued related to this topic. The LFPOA BOD is seriously investigating the outsourcing of management duties of the Association to an outside Property Management Firm. This is mainly due to the ongoing lack of participation on the HOA Board by the general Membership. There is much to do to conform to the By-Laws of the Association, which will remain in place for another +/- 14 years, and too much work is being placed on too few of the Members. Outsourcing WILL result in higher HOA fees.  One bid was reviewed and several others will be sought. This will be communicated to the Membership in the upcoming letter and will be an agenda item at the AGM. If further Board members are not secured by the AGM, a motion will be presented to move toward this outsourcing at a yet-to-be determined date.

Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.

New Business: Leon Strigotte resigned from the LFPOA Board of Directors at the end of the meeting.

Closed Meeting: 7:52 PM

Barry Dexter

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