January 19, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Lake Forest Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2017
1230 W. Bentwood Loop, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815


Call the Meeting to Order
President Tim Scott at 6.47PM

Board Members Present:
Tim Scott, Vice President Larry Barnes,
Secretary Bill Caisley Board Member Michael Westray,
Board Member Ben Palo, Board Member Chad McElvaney

Apologies received from Karen Howell

Scheduled Items:

1) Minutes October 20, 2016 were reviewed and approved2) Treasurer Report
A) Checking: $10.617.39
B) Savings: $21,375.56
Tim reported that $3.000 had been transferred from savings to checking to
cover expenses until 2017 dues were received
C) US Bank account reconciliation by Chuck Vredenberg CPA has taken 5 hours
at $50 per hour ($250).
Net adjustment was $47.98. Chuck will reconcile Jan 2017 at no charge.
D) On-Line Collection of Dues; From Dec 2015 thru Dec 2016:
Merchant account US Bank; $22.95 per month for 13 months_________ $298.35
Additional Bank fees; 2 @ $10.00_________________________________ $ 20.00
Intuit fees; 28 @ $6.54__________________________________________ $183.12
Intuit fees; 2 @ $8.50___________________________________________ $ 17.00
TOTAL____________________________________________________________ $518.47
Cost per transaction_____________________________________________ $ 17.28
*Chad proposed we close the Merchant account;
Mike seconded; passed unanimously.
E) Annual Dues Collection (due Feb 5th, 2017)
51 PAID to date
1 owes balance of $80.00
77 outstanding totaling $14,245.00
F) Fine assessment for late dues; 1,5% first month, $30.00 per month after

3) Digital archive of Association Documents: Tim, Larry and Bill met on Jan 17,2017 and identified all Association documents dated from
January 1. 2010 and newer which are required to be saved. It is anticipated to complete the storage process by June, 2017

4) Clearing snow around fire hydrants was discussed. Since Fire truck had been seen attending to some hydrants, Larry agreed to talk to
Fire Department and advise their wishes

5) Spring projects
A) Two trees need to be replaced. Chad volunteered to arranged this, and also see that root enhancer is applied to those trees as well as those
planted last year.
B) Fence repair; Tim reported that we have about 24 five foot planks for replacement purposes. Ben pointed out that replacement of panels is not
difficult and as
weather improves in the spring, he and Chad will identify those places that need replacing, we will inform property owners and, hopefully,
complete the work by early summer.

6) Other Business
6861 NWP’s request for approval to remove 2 trees in front yard was discussed, but deferred until after snow has melted so that root activity can
be assessed.
Bill to inform owner.
Closed Meeting: 7:26 PM

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